Support Us

Ways To Support Us
Like other performing arts groups, our ticket sales cover only about half of our expenses. Our largest expenses are the actual costs of putting on the performances.
These costs include the services of the conductor, the musicians of our all-professional orchestra, our guest artists, venue rental for performances and rehearsals, music rental and licensing fees, and administrative/box office support.
Tax Deductible Information
The West Valley Symphony is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law. Our
Federal EIN number (Federal Employer Identification Number) is 23-7041526.
Individual Giving
You can support the West Valley Symphony directly with a tax-deductible gift. We appreciate every gift, no matter the size.
All gifts are recognized in our playbill OR anonymously if you prefer.
Individual Support Levels
$0-99 Friend
$100-249 Member
$250-499 Patron
$500-999 Benefactor
$1,000-4,999 President’s Circle
$5,000-9,999 Maestro’s Circle
$10,000+ Golden Baton Circle
You can donate directly through PayPal by clicking the Donate button below.
Visa/MC/Discover/Amex accepted

Alternatively, if you prefer to give via check, make your check payable to West Valley Symphony and mail to:
West Valley Symphony
P O Box 7328
Surprise AZ 85374-7328
Or, if you prefer to give via credit card, please call WVS Administration at 623- 236-6781.
If you have any questions, contact the WVS Administrative Office at 623- 236-6781.
Become A Sponsor
There are a variety of sponsorship opportunities offered to organizations and individuals. You can sponsor an entire season, the music library, a single concert, or a guest artist.
Or, if you have a favorite principal musician/instrument you may also sponsor a chair.
Our Media sponsors help promote our orchestra and concert season, and our Hospitality and Printing sponsors help us create an enjoyable afternoon for the orchestra and the audience.

Fry's Community Rewards
Reward the West Valley Symphony while shopping!
Register at Fry’s Community Rewards
Use our WVS NPO #11692 to support the West Valley Symphony.

Memorial and Tribute Gifts
These are a thoughtful way to remember a loved one or to honor an important person or event in your life.
Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and graduations make a perfect occasion for a Tribute Gift. We will acknowledge your gift to the honoree and print it in our playbill.

Employee / Retiree Matching Gifts
Many companies will match the gift of employees and retirees. It is an easy and thoughtful way to increase the impact of your personal donations.
Check with your employer and DOUBLE your impact!

Playbill Advertising
If your business values a vibrant community and wants to reach new customers, consider advertising in our playbills.
Our playbills are in the hands of over 7,200 people each season. It’s an affordable way to show your support and build your business.
Display Ad Specifications:
If providing artwork as Adobe Acrobat file, please convert all type to outlines, with all photos and images at 300 dpi resolution grayscale color profile.
If providing artwork as a raster image (Photoshop) file, flatten final image with all photos and images at 300 dpi resolution grayscale and submit as jpeg, png, or tif.

Ad submission deadline: September 30
Display Ad Pricing:
Full page Ad: $800 per six concert season
Half Page Ad: $500 per six concert season
For an additional charge of $100 full page or $50 Half Page, we can set your ad. You will need to provide logo, art and branded copy, as well as text for the ad.
For More Information Please Contact:
Mona Myhre/Executive Director

Planned Giving
You can Leave a Lasting Legacy by naming The West Valley Symphony in your Will or Trust, or as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account. We will honor your thoughtfulness in our playbill.
The West Valley Symphony Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. EIN#23-7041526

In-Kind Donations
The West Valley Symphony appreciates the individuals and organizations who donate in-kind goods and services such as printing services and advertising space.